January 28, 2010

Should You Invest for the Long Pull, or Trade?

Should You Invest for the Long Pull, or Trade?

If you decide to concentrate, should you invest for the long pull, or trade? The time period is not the main issue. Buying the right stock — the very best stock — at precisely the right time is the imperative issue. Sell this stock whenever the market or your various sell rules tell you it
is time to sell. This time period could either be short-term or long-term. Let your rules and the market decide and determine how long to hold each stock.

If you do this, some of your winners will be held for three months, some for six months and a few for one, two, three years or even more. Most of your losses will be held for a shorter time period, normally from a few weeks up to three months.

No well-run portfolio should ever have losses that have been carried for six months or more. Keep your portfolio clean and in touch with the times. Good gardeners always weed the flower patch.

Tags: stock market, stocks, stock market useful guide, stocks tips, Earn Money from stock, How to make money in stock market