April 29, 2010

\Is Your Stock in the Top Half of Its Own Group?

\Is Your Stock in the Top Half of Its Own Group?

The institutional service arranges companies within an industry in order of their current week's computerized Datagraph rating. Quality stocks in the top half of their own group are better investments in almost all cases than are stocks in the bottom half of the same group.

Because every graph measures the same crucial investment factors on a comparable basis, a manager or analyst can quickly screen every alternative in a group by comparing 120 basic factors of one stock to another. In 15 minutes, an experienced professional can pinpoint the two or three equities in a group which appear worthy of further fundamental research. The remaining stocks that do not measure up should be eliminated from additional consideration.

An institution could save its research department a great deal of time and money if it checks extensive data such as this first to determine the stocks that have the best chance of gaining greater market acceptance.

This suggestion alone might save millions in needless research expenses and substantially increase efficiency and performance of pension fund portfolios. This, in particular, could be a boon to some state and educational funds, which really need the money but have, in the
past, sometimes operated under antiquated methods and rules and, as a result, achieved relatively undistinguished results.

So, if you want to produce superior results in the stock market, you can't ignore the market strength or weakness of the 200 industry groups and subgroups.
Tags: stock market, stocks, stock market useful guide, stocks tips, Earn Money from stock, How to make money in stock market


Ruchi Agrawal said...

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