November 30, 2009

How Does a Stock Go from $50 to $100?

Tags: Stocks, Stock Market Guide, Stock tips, Stock Techiniques

As a final appeal to your trusty common sense and judgment, it should be stated that if a security has traded between $40 and $50 a share over many months and is now selling at $50 and is going to double in price, it positively must first go through $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, and the like,before it can reach $100.

Therefore, your job is to buy when a stock looks high to the majority of conventional investors and to sell after it moves substantially higher and finally begins to look attractive to some of those same investors.

In conclusion: Search for corporations that have a key new product or service, new management, or changes in conditions in their industry. And most importantly, companies whose stocks are emerging from price consolidation patterns and are close to, or actually touching, new highs in price are usually your best buy candidates. There will always be something new occurring in America every year. In 1993 alone, there were nearly 1,000 initial public offerings. Dynamic, innovative new companies— a bundle of future, potential big winners.