November 22, 2009

Mutual Funds – A Good Way To Buy Stocks

Most potential investors don’t have a clue on how to go about investing in the stock market. After all, only a small percentage actually opts for investments in stocks. If you are among the novices waiting to test the waters, here’s the scoop: just hire a brilliant stock market investor. No, don’t worry. This tie-wearing expert won’t charge you a bomb for fee.

You also don’t have to pledge lakhs of rupees to hire his service. All you need is small change. Even an investment of as little as Rs 100 a month would do.

Surprised? Don’t be. We are speaking about hiring the service of a mutual fund (MF) manager to take care of your investments in stocks.

Here is how it works.

An MF actually collects money from a pool of investors and puts the money in stocks on their behalf for a small fee (1.5-2% annually). An investor has the option of a variety of debt schemes (that invest in fixed income instruments) and/or equity schemes (that go for stocks).

The only difference is that unlike in a portfolio management scheme, where one has the option of setting his or her own parameters, here an investor has to choose a scheme with pre-set parameters that will match hisinvestment objective.

According to experts, investing in an MF scheme is a win-win situation for the retail investor as most of them are not well-versed in the working of the stock market.

“For most people, the stock market is still an unsolved puzzle. They get scared when the market goes up and they are equally scared when there is continuous slide,’’ says a wealth manager in a bank.