November 18, 2009

New Products That Created Super Successes

 Tags: Stocks, Stock Market Guide, Stock tips, Stock Techiniques

1. Rexall's new Tupperware division, in 1958, helped push the company's stock to $50 a share, from $16.

2. Thiokol in 1957-1959 came out with new rocket fuels for missiles, propelling its stock from $48 to the equivalent of $355.

3. Syntex, in 1963, marketed the oral contraceptive pill. In six months the stock soared from $100 to $550.

4. McDonald's, in 1967-1971, with low-priced fast food franchising, snowballed into an 1100% profit for stockholders.

5. Levitz Furniture stock increased 660% in 1970-1971, with the popularity of their giant warehouse discount furniture centers.

6. Houston Oil & Gas, in 1972-1973, with a major new oil field ran up 968% in 61 weeks and later in 1976 picked up another 367%.

7. Computervision stock advanced 1235% in 1978-1980, with the introduction of new Cad-Cam factory automation equipment.

8. Wang Labs Class B stock grew 1350% in 1978-1980, due to the creation of their new word-processing office machines.

9. Price Company stock shot up more than 15 times in 1982-1986 with the opening of a southern California chain of innovative wholesale warehouse membership stores.

10. Amgen developed two successful new biotech drugs, Epogen and Neupogen, and the stock raced ahead from 60% in 1990 to the equivalent of 460% in January 1992.

11. Cisco Systems, another California company, created routers and networking equipment that allowed company links with geographically dispersed local area computer networks. The stock advanced over 2000% in 3V2 years.

12. International Game Technology rose an astounding 1600% in 1991-1993 with new microprocessor-based gaming products.

 In our study of greatest stock market winners from 1953 through 1993, we discovered more than 95% of these stunning successes in American industry either had a major new product or service, new management, or an important change for the better in the conditions of their particular industry.