November 24, 2009

Shanghai composites rolled 3.45%

Asian stock markets today is a declining trend. Hong Kong's hang Seng Index opened this morning with the decline. For sometime in the early hours of trading on the green marks gone. But based on the marks could not remain. It then went on to red marks. The index declined in the last hour of trading has increased. 1.53% of the 348 points after the index closed at 22.423 with weakness. China's Shanghai index composites with 115 points to 3223 on the 3.45% was the weakness. Japan's Nikkei index 1.01%, South Korea Cospi index of 0.78%, Strait Times Index 0.64% and 0.38% of Indonesia's Jakarta composites came weakness. Meanwhile, Taiwan's Taiwan light speed Veted index was 0.36%.

European stock markets got the time - is showing mixed trend. 5.10 pm to 0.16 pm 100% Ftisi the timely consolidation of the light, while in JEAN DE LUZ 0.05% and 0.17% reduction in the 40's cake.